Larry has become an expert in demonstrating Leadership, Team Building, Customer Service, Sales Training, and Obtaining Results with high energy presentations tailored to each group’s specific needs. He has a proven track record in growing many of America’s businesses across various industries. Larry Jemison is an energetic Consultant, Motivational Speaker and Author of How to Make It in a World That Wasn’t Made for You, and How To Make It, Guide to Getting A Great Job in Any Economy.
With his Master’s in Entrepreneurial Finance from Babson College, and B.S. in Marketing from Tuskegee University, Larry has witnessed how small companies become large enterprises. Larry has spoken to thousands over the last 15 years; training for Fortune 500 companies/ organizations and schools including: AFLAC, Goldman Sachs, Sam’s Club, Centers for Disease Control, American Federation of School Administrators (AFSA), Alabama Association of School Boards (AASB), Georgia Credit Union Association, Women’s Empowerment Program, Georgia State University, Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College, Emory, The Office of Congressman Hank Johnson, Medical Group Management Association, The National Football League, and many more. Larry believes that his gift to the World is inspiring groups to realize their true potential and Obtain Results that they often only dream of.

LEADERSHIP Larry has a proven track record in growing businesses. Leadership is the belief system that says “Success is our only option”. This theme will resonate throughout your group, as all employees will want to take on more challenges, as well as demonstrate to their teams that they are the best for driving results.
Your team will learn that there is always a price to be paid for Leadership, but the benefits will far outweigh the costs. By using “The Essence of Empowerment” to achieve goals, your team will quickly transform into the leaders we all want them to be.
“Success is found at the intersection of preparation and opportunity.
" Larry Jemison Jr.
Customer Service is often the “Forgotten Art”. In a nation that rarely produces its own goods, and is aggressively transitioning into e-commerce, customer service should be an area that companies/organizations become experts in.
Many large companies have quickly become small organizations because they took their customers for granted. Larry will coach your organization on the Six Rules to Effective Customer Service, so that your revenue grows, profits are maximized, and your percent of repeat buyers increases.
The backbone of all business is its sales force. These men and women have the responsibility of generating revenue, by retaining existing customers, and earning incremental business from locating, selling and converting new customers into dollars.
This is no easy task as companies are comparing last year’s plans to this year’s actuals. Most companies will recognize the top 1-3% of their sales team with incentives and fancy trips; Larry, who has received top sales honors with companies such as FedEx and Novartis Pharmaceuticals, will demonstrate to your sales force how they can all become the pinnacle of sales success.
Your sales team will recognize 100 percent is just not good enough, push further for results and then your revenue will increase exponentially.
Winning Teams have a strategic plan;
let Larry show you the formula.
“I’ve worked with Larry on multiple levels, and he will leave your team inspired for Greatness.
~B. Hamilton, Sage Software
Get your team energized and ready to maximize their full potential;
give them the tools that will change their lives and better allow your organization to reach its Goals.